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Paula Bermudez
“I felt I had an real answer to my symptoms for the first time”

Initial Health Concerns:
- Chronic Bloating
- Acid Reflux

It was normal for me to feel bloated after eating and that it lasted for one or two consecutive weeks. My approach was to eat less since I didn’t know what was causing it and to be honest I didn’t feel like eating since I was experiencing a painful bloating.

My goal when I first started working with Cata was to get rid of my chronic bloating and uncomfortable acid reflux that I’ve had for many years. My to go whenever I was feeling any of these symptoms and was taking Thumbs
to help with the discomfort, but it never really helped.

Through my work with Cata, my chronic bloating went away completely for the first time, I was able to eat more foods than the ones I thought I should be eating and my acid reflux was gone. All of this without taking any medications, just following the healing protocol that she recommended after running blood tests, GI tests, etc.

If you’re considering working with her, I say 120% – do it! It has been such a life changing for me, I recommend this work to anyones who will listen to me.

Juan Pablo Garcia
“Looking how much all the the biomarkers results had improved after retesting, it gave me a peace of mind that we were doing everything right”

Initial Health Concerns:
- Impetigo
- Skin issues
- Internal bleeding

After going to multiple dermatologists, doctors and practitioners I thought there wasn’t a real solution for my skin condition.

When I met Cata, she ran different GI tests and blood tests and discovered specific bacterias in my gut that were causing my skin reactions. I was able to understand that the gut is one of the main organs that needs to be healed in order to get rid of all my symptoms.

Four months into the healing protocol, my skin cleared 90% and I wasn’t presenting the red skin patches that I’ve had for so long! Not only that, but I felt lighter after eating since my digestion has improved a lot. Also, I’ve noticed that I can perform better when I’m playing soccer and I can be more active without getting tired. Getting and maintaining my ideal weight wasn’t difficult, I just ate the right type of foods for my body without following any specific diet. 


Samantha Degracia
“This is the clearest mind I have felt in a long time”

Initial Health Concerns:
- Low energy
- Bad PMS symptoms
- Hormonal Imbalance

I used to have an energy crush every single day around 4PM and my energy was very low after eating breakfast, lunch or dinner, so I used to drink at least 4 cups of coffee a day to keep me going.Before getting my period my PMS was very bad – mood swings, uncontrollable cravings, and I experienced bloating no matter what.

After doing a 21 day reset and getting the right supplements for my body, my energy has been THROUGH THE ROOF, my body has changed, and you were right, Cata, I've had VERY minimal PMS symptoms, and this is something I've struggled very much with because of bad hormonal balance. Around this time of the month my body is in a lot of pain and I'm very bloated and irritable. This time, there is still a little but very manageable!

So thankful I listened to my body and started working with Cata, it has been a life changer.